VA: Rockabilly Psychosis & The Garage Disease LP


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Highly influential genre-defining compilation from 1984.
Half comprised of then-contemporary garage/psychobilly (Panther Burns, Gun Club, Cramps, Meteors) and half documenting the ’50s/’60s roots with the Sonics, Hasil Adkins, Trashmen, etc., this still makes for an excellent heart-starter. Great raw fun!

Everybody’s heard about the bird” – so say The Trashmen and a fitting opener for 14 of the most deranged tracks that you can find. One of the best selling Big Beat releases, this LP is a tribute to the sheer insanity of rock & roll. The Sonics “Psycho”, The Novas – “The Crusher”, Legendary Stardust Cowboy – “Paralysed” – the titles say it all. Link Wray chewing the blues and spitting out Willie Dixon’s “Hidden Charms” (charms??????!!!) and our very own Milkshakes taking on the aforementioned Link Wray on “Run Chicken Run”. Apart from that you still get The Cramps with Jimmy Dickinson ripping up Sonny Burgess’s “Red Headed Woman”, Britain’s psychobilly kings The Meteors with a live “My Daddy Is A Vampire” and “Radioactive Kid” along with the late great Gun Club, Tav Falco’s Panther Burns with their finest destructobilly and two other bands of this parish the Sting-Rays and The Guana Batz. As it says – ‘Not suitable for children’ – some of this stuff should never have been let out of its box in the First place – that’s why we love it so!!

A1 The Phantom – Love Me
A2 The Trashmen – Surfin’ Bird
A3 The Sonics – Psycho
A4 The Novas – The Crusher
A5 The Legendary Stardust Cowbo y– Paralysed
A6 Hasil Adkins – She Said
A7 The Meteors – My Daddy Is A Vampire
B1 Jimmy Dickinson & The Cramps – Red Headed Woman
B2 The Meteors – Radioactive Kid
B3 Tav Falco’s Panther Burns – Dateless Night
B4 The Gun Club – Jack On Fire
B5 The Geezers – Folsom Prison Blues
B6 The Sting-Rays – Cat Man
B7 The Guana Batz – Just Love Me